

The Aims and Objectives of the Association

The primary objective of the Association is to provide a forum for Members to exchange ideas, knowledge, experience and information, all of which will be of mutual benefit to the parties concerned.

The above mission will link Members in a virtual qualitative benchmarking group. To further this objective Members agree to co-operate in updating information on their company’s financial results , organisation , operations, products and developments in technology. In addition information on a Member’s home country asset finance and market development are to be supplied on a regular basis.

Such activities can be carried out efficiently with the support of Working Groups Members also agree to consider exchange of short training stage for staff. The Members recognise the importance of a completely free and confidential exchange of information on matters concerning the leasing and instalment credit industry.

Member companies waive the right to belong to other organisations or international clubs whenever the activities of such organisations or international clubs may conflict with the activities of IFLA. It is expected that each member will be fully committed to the Association ; a regular participation at meetings is expected by the Association.